Summary: | Chronicles the latest advances in the cellular, molecular and biochemical analysis of hematopoiesis, including findings from both basic research and clinical medicine. In reporting new methodology for the isolation and characterization of stem cells, it details the successful in vitro establishment of hematopoietic and stromal cell lines, that have facilitated analysis of the complex interactions between growth factor-producing accessory cells and target hematopoietic cells. In probing the molecular biology, the book assesses progress in the dissection of the mechanisms controlling the expression of the hematopoietic growth factor genes. It highlights new data relating to oxygen regulation of erythropoietin gene expression and transcription factors controlling IL-1 or GM-CSF gene expression. In exploring receptor physiology, Hematopoiesis features considerable advances in the characterization of receptors for GM-CSF and IL-3 and knowledge gained from the cloned gene for the erythropoietin receptor. Recent results from clinical studies with different hematopoietic growth factors reveal that patients receiving