Summary: | Tahir Hussain, a British citizen from Leeds, was unjustly sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan for the accidental killing of a taxi driver in 1988. In this film, Tahir tells us what it was like on death row, and his brother Amjad tells us about the 18 year campaign to set him free. Only an energetic letter writing campaign involving Amnesty International led to Tahir's release in November 2006.Maria Gillespie tells us about her unjust imprisonment in Uruguay in the 1970s, when she was only 15. She was tortured because her husband was a trade unionist. The film shows that Maria was released a year later after receiving nearly 1,000 letters of support. A third case shows pupils writing letters to a 19 year old currently on death row in Iran, Delara Darabi, who claims she took the blame for a murder committed by her boyfriend.