Summary: | Table of Contents: The Early Years of Coloman the Learned in the Record of the Sources; The Investiture Controversy in the Background of King Coloman's First Legislative Assembly; Coloman's Ecclesiastical Legislation and the Last Years of His Reign; Primogeniture: The Kingship of Stephan II; The Struggle of Bela II the Blind for the Throne; Geza II in the Reports of the Comtemporary Chroniclers, 1. The Early Phase of His Reign 2. Hungary in the Second Crusade; The Policy of Geza II toward Byzantium and Roman See; The Mid-Twelfth Century View of History in the Background of Hungarian Politics; Stephen III Maintains Position Between West and Southeast; The Reign of Bela III; Administration and Society in the Twelfth Century, 1. Royal Legislation and Episcopal Authority 2. Administration and Social Stratification; Canonization of Ladislas I, Question of Legal Writs, and Status of the Crown at fin-de-siecle.