The monotheists : Jews, Christians, and Muslims in conflict and competition. Volume II, The words and will of God /
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Author / Creator: | Peters, F. E. (Francis E.) |
Imprint: | Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©2003. |
Description: | 1 online resource (xxv, 406 pages) |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Introduction
- 1. The Scriptures: Bible, New Testament, And Quran
- Three Sacred Books
- People of the Book
- The Bible
- Sacred Tongues
- On Translations
- Scriptural Criticism
- Who Wrote the Bible?
- Explaining Revelation
- High Prophetology
- Heavenly Books
- The New Testament: Notion, Text, and Canon
- The Biblical Canon
- The Inspiration of Scripture
- Contingency and the Constraints of History
- Humanist Critics of Scripture
- The Old Testament and the New
- The Arrangement of the Quran
- The Composition of the Quran
- The Editing of the Quran
- The Collection of the Quran
- Qere and Ketib
- Interpolation and Abrogation
- Closure
- 2. Understanding The Word Of God
- The Seal and the Silence
- Biblical Exegesis
- Midrash
- An Unfolding Tradition
- Philo Rereads Scripture
- Evangelical Exegesis
- The Senses of Scripture
- Marcion Reads the Scripture
- Why Don't We Understand?44
- Fathers and Other Authorities
- The Glossa Ordinaria, Christian and Jewish
- The Quran Reads the Bible
- Quranic Ambiguities
- The "Occasions of Revelation"
- Tabari Enthroned
- Plain and Allegorical Exegesis in Islam
- The Muslims Struggle with Revelation and Reason
- Shiite Tafsir
- Learning from the Muslims
- Two Medieval Jewish Commentators: Ibn Ezra and Rashi
- The Great Debates
- The Reform of Christian Exegesis
- Control of the Book
- A Closer, and Different, Look at Scripture
- Exegesis and Hermeneutics
- 3. Scripture And Tradition
- The Great Tradition
- Rabbinic Judaism
- "How Many Torahs Do You Have?"
- Making the Mishnah
- Mishnah and Gemara
- Validating the Rabbis
- Attacking the Tradition: Sadducees and Karaites
- Jewish Reform
- The Beginnings of a Christian Tradition
- The Deposit of Faith
- Apostolic Tradition and Apostolic Succession
- Sola Scriptura
- The Tradition Debate
- The War of the Historians
- The Sunna of the Prophet
- Hadith Criticism
- The Canonical Collections
- Quran and Sunna
- The Shiite Hadith
- 4. God's Law And Its Observance
- Purity and Defilement
- Biblical Law
- The Lesson of Qumran
- The Tradition from the Fathers
- The Mishnah and the Two Talmuds
- Two Jewish Codes: Mishneh Torah and Shulkhan Aruk
- The Purpose of the Law
- The Administration of Jewish Law
- The Rabbis
- The Instruments of God's Justice
- Jesus and the Law
- Christians and the Law
- A Law for Christians
- The Sources of Christian Law
- The Codification of Church Law
- The Beginnings of Western Canon Law
- Gratian
- Catechesis and Catechism
- An Islamic Catechism: The Pillars of Islam
- Sharia, the Muslim Way
- From Prophetic Tradition to Law
- The Administration of Justice in Islam
- The Qadi
- The Qadi's Justice
- Responsa and Fatwas: The Mufti
- The Qadi and the Mufti
- The Schools
- Shiite Law
- Ijtihad
- The Closing of the Gate
- The Hierarchization of the Ulama
- Ijtihad Unchained
- Customary Law and Governance in Islam
- Qanun: The Sultan's Law
- Jewish Rabbis and Islamic Ulama
- 5. God's Commandments And Human Morality
- Values and Value Systems
- Whence Evil?129
- The Diabolic, the Demonic
- The Jinn, Shaytan, and Iblis
- Sin and Atonement in Israel
- Acquittal
- Jesus' Moral Teaching
- Pauline Morality
- Original Sin
- Manichaeism
- Augustine as Moralist
- Augustine and Pelagius
- Penance and the Sacramental System
- Purgatory and Indulgences
- Who Will Be Saved?
- The Absolute Will of God
- The Disputed Question of Nature and Grace
- Justification
- Doubly Saved and Doubly Damned
- The Council of Trent on Justification
- The Magisterium Restored
- A Conference on "Aids"
- The Crisis in Catholic Morality
- Jansenism
- From Pascal to Alfonso di Ligouri
- Muhammad as Moral Exemplar
- Islamic Morality
- Free Will and Predestination in Islam
- A Rationalist Solution
- Acquiring Responsibility
- Consensus on Matters Moral
- 6. Divine Worship
- Shekinah/Sakina
- Sacrifice
- The Jesus Sacrifice
- The Jewish Priesthood
- The Synagogue
- The Eucharist
- Liturgies Eastern and Western
- Eucharistic Issues: Who, When, and How?
- The Reform Liturgy
- Christmas
- Muslim Prayer
- Friday Prayer and the Mosque
- The Hajj
- Intercalation Prohibited
- The Enshrinement of Jerusalem
- Christian Pilgrimage
- The Western Wall
- Popular Devotions in Christianity
- The Cult of Mary
- From Piety to Dogma: An Immaculate Conception and Prophetic Impeccability
- The Veneration of the Saints
- Canonization
- Eucharistic Devotions
- Popular Devotions in Islam
- The Friends of God
- Three Dramatic Narratives: Passover, Passion, and the Death of Husayn
- Idols and Images
- Emperor Portrayal, Christian Style
- Christian Images
- Christian Iconoclasm
- Stripping the Altars: Images and the Reform
- Islam and the Graven Image
- The Word as Decoration
- 7. Thinking About God
- Mythos and Logos
- The Theology of Philo of Alexandria
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Theology and Creeds: Nicaea to Chalcedon
- The Muslims Encounter Aristotle
- Falsafa
- Talking about God: The Muslim Beginnings
- Learning to Speak Dialectically
- An Islamic Inquisition
- Kalam Matured
- Muslim Creeds
- Reason and Revelation in Islam
- God Supreme: Islamic Occasionalism
- Ibn Rushd
- The Voice of Conservative Islamic Orthodoxy
- Jewish Kalam
- A Guide for the Perplexed
- Falsafa and Kalam
- Received Wisdom
- Sacred Theology, Western Style
- Thomas Aquinas
- Scholasticism
- Latin Averroism
- The Two Faces of Truth
- The Reformation and Christian Systematic Theology
- The Wisdom of Illumination
- The School of Isfahan
- 8. From Desert Saints To Muslim Sufis
- The Way of the World
- The Issue of Jewish Asceticism
- The Desert a City
- Obedience of the Spirit
- The Saints in the City
- The Rule of St. Basil
- Benedict and the Benedictines
- Benedictine Experiments: Carthusians and Cistercians
- Canons Regular and Other
- The Mendicant Friars: Franciscans and Dominicans
- Is Perfection Possible? The Franciscan Controversy
- Military Orders, Christian and Muslim
- The Rise and Fall of the Society of Jesus
- The Holy Mountain
- The Personal Life of Muhammad
- This World and the Next
- The Beginnings of Muslim Asceticism
- Sufi Convents: Khanqah, Ribat, Zawiya
- The Sufi Orders
- Sufis in the Service of Islam: Chishtis and Bektashis
- The Chinese Rites
- Christian and Muslim Religious Orders
- Suppression
- Jewish Brotherhoods in Galilee
- Saints without Rules: The Hasidim
- The Apostolic Succession in Eastern Europe
- The Habad
- 9. Leaping From The Dark Into The Light: Mysticism
- Face to Face with God
- The Beginnings
- The Adepts of Qumran
- The Celestial Chariot
- "Four Who Attempted to Enter Paradise"
- God's Love, God's Body
- The Palaces
- The Book of Creation
- From Christian Asceticism to Mysticism
- Approaching the Unknowable
- The Jesus Prayer
- Hesychasm
- God's Energies and God's Essence
- Spirituality, Eastern and Western
- The Spiritual Exercises
- Muhammad Cleansed, and Rapt
- Did Muhammad See God?
- The Sufi as Mystic
- The Growth of Sufi Theory
- Sufism and Gnosticism
- Sufis and Shiites
- Al-Hallaj
- The Sufi Way
- Practical Sufism
- Spiritual Hierarchies
- The Apotheosis of Ali: The Alawis
- The Fathers of Islamic Theosophy: Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi
- Defender of the Faith
- Making Sufism Safe for Islam
- Spiritual Resurrection
- On the Edge: Ibn Arabi
- The Seal of the Saints
- The Teaching and Its Opponents
- The Beginnings of Kabbalah
- The Zohar
- The World of the Sefiroth
- Isaac Luria
- Kabbalah for Everyone: Hasidism
- 10. The Last Things
- End Time Scenarios
- After Death, What?
- Death and Judgment
- The Particular Judgment
- The Resurrection of the Body
- The Seed, the Statue, and the Conjunction of Materia and Forma
- In the Meantime . . .
- The Cosmology of the Other World
- Mapping Paradise and Hell
- A Heavenly Journey
- Living High: The Angels
- Angels in Arabia
- The Vision of God
- With a Little Help from the Creator
- Paradise Lost: Maimonides (and Others) on the World to Come
- Salvation
- Religious Zionism: Hurrying the End
- Political Zionism and Eretz Israel
- The Birth Pangs of the Messiah
- Realized and Futurist Eschatology in Christianity
- A Christian Apocalypse
- Millennialism/Chilianism
- The Reign of the Spirit: Joachim de Fiore
- Abraham the Intercessor
- The Muslim Dead
- The Quranic Eschaton
- Intercession in Islam
- A Savior Returns
- The Mahdi
- End Thoughts
- People of the Book, and of the Covenant
- Odium Theologicum
- The Religion of Abraham
- Who Is the Heir?
- The True Israel
- A Fractious Family
- The Rivals' Charms
- Faith and History
- Index