Review by Choice Review
Shamdasani's book is one awaited by Jungian scholars. It is a gem packed with solid research taking Richard Noll, author of The Jung Cult (1994) and The Aryan Christ (CH, Apr'98), to task. In a clear and direct manner Shamdasani drives home point after point, revealing Noll's inaccuracies, omissions, and unfounded suggestions. This work is a must read for Jungians and a necessary companion to Noll's works for academic library collections. It also contains interesting appendix material, including a story behind the controversial Jung research. Noll has met his match in Shamdasani, and integrity in scholarship is alive and well. Highly recommended to those interested in Jung and the contemporary controversies. Upper-division undergraduates and above. J. Bailey; Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review