Summary: | "What is on your child's mind? No parent can answer this question until he discards the grown-up glasses a muddled maturity has set upon his nose and looks out upon the world through the clear, unguarded eyes of childhood. What he sees when he is able to look through a child's eyes may loom astonishingly large or dwindle to surprisingly small proportions in the frame of youthful perspective. It makes a great deal of difference what ideas your child gets into his head. The way he interprets the things that happen to him now determines the attitude he will take toward the events of his later life. A child's mind is like soft wax. Each experience leaves an impression upon it. Every day of your child's life you are stimulating or undermining his self-confidence, developing his will, power, courage and initiative" or making him weak, timid and self-conscious. What will your child be when he grows up? That depends upon your understanding or misunderstanding of his particular problems, your tactful consideration or blunderous disregard. You can make him a failure, a "smarty", an invalid or a snob! Or you can lay the foundations of a happy and successful future! You do not believe parents are that important? Then read about these very ordinary episodes in the lives of Jane and Teddy, Tommy, Mary and Bobby. They are written especially for you"--Introduction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)