Review by Choice Review
Provides a comprehensive summary of experimental research in the field of attitude change and social influence. Zimbardo and Leippe focus on how we influence the attitudes and behaviors of others as well as on our own self-perceptions and styles of information processing. They integrate classic and contemporary studies to reach the most accurate conclusions possible on the basis of the present state of knowledge. Findings and conclusions from research studies are applied to challenges and experiences in the reader's everyday life. Included are such fascinating topics as cults, advertising, propaganda, political campaigns, subliminal messages, eyewitness testimony, trial questioning, jury influence and selection, health practices, and environmental behaviors. The book is written in a lively style which enhances its interest and readability. Appropriate for undergraduates and above.-C. L. Kleinke, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review