Summary: | This book presents comprehensive documentation of how cellulosic energy crops (as opposed to sugar, starch or oil crops) can be sustainably produced and converted to energy, both liquid fuels and electricity. It describes adaptation of these crops to different climates and soils, planting procedures and requirements, management, harvesting procedures and end uses. The book is divided into five sections. The first provides general background related not only to the challenges and various potential cellulosic feedstocks, but also to technologies for production of liquid fuels and biochemicals or production of heat and electricity. Section II hones in on each of the herbaceous crops than have been identified a potential cellulosic feedstock for not only bioenergy but also bio-product development. Miscanthus, switchgrass, sugarcane and energy cane, sorghums and crop residues are examined in detail by reviewing their phylogeny, cultural practices, and opportunities for genetic improvement. Section III follows a similar format although the focus is on woody crops, including eucalyptus, pine, poplar, and willow. Section IV moves toward the ultimate goal of commercialization by reviewing critical logistical issues associated with both herbaceous and woody feedstocks. Alternate strategies for harvesting, transporting, and storing various cellulosic materials are examined. Finally, section V tackles the challenge where "the rubber meets the road" that is, moving the technology from the researchers to society as a whole. To achieve long-term sustainability, emerging cellulosic bioenergy and/or bio-products industries must meet three crucial and equally important challenges. One is that the new enterprise(s) must be economical. The second is they must not have adverse environmental impacts, and finally, they must be socially acceptable. The final two chapters provide readers with case study examples of an actual bioenergy commercialization project and a glimpse at activities in Brazil, China and India. |