Summary: | Evgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz is perhaps best known for his long association with his mentor Lev D Landau, with whom he co-wrote the classic Course of Theoretical Physics , but he was a noted and respected Soviet physicist in his own right. Born in the Ukraine to a scientific family, his long and distinguished career will be remembered for three things - his collaboration with Landau on the internationally acclaimed Course of Theoretical Physics , his work as editor of the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , and his scientific papers. As well as his work with Landau, E\M\Lifshitz collaborated with many noted Soviet scientists such as I\M\Khalatnikov, I\E\Dyzaloshinskii, V\V\Sudakov, V\A\Belinskii and the editor of this book, L\P\Pitaevskii. Many of the papers presented in this book include their contribution. Collected together they give a comprehensive and penetrating insight into the man and his work, clearly showing Lifshitz's contribution to physics and the influences on his work.