Review by Choice Review
Rousseau (Catholic Univ. of America) tells the story of Christianity from Jesus to the time of Muhammad, carefully interpreting his source material in light of the social and historical background of the times. Although there are many church history and history of theology texts available, few engage in the continual dialog with the original sources to the extent that Rousseau does. While Rousseau's mastery of the facts is beyond doubt, many will question some of his interpretations. For example, some scholars will find unconvincing his explanation of the relation between the messages of the Gospels and the message of Paul. Rousseau is undoubtedly correct in his assertion that some will find his assessment of Christian evil too tolerant while others will find his interpretation of Christian motives too harsh. For an excellent analysis of the relationship of Paul to Jesus, see Paul, Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity, by David Wenham (CH, Oct'95). For a more readable history of theology, see The Story of Christian Theology by R.E. Olson (CH, Jul'00). Rousseau's book is well indexed and contains excellent bibliographies after each chapter. Recommended for upper-division undergraduates and graduate students. D. Ingolfsland Crown College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review