Summary: | Sculptor and painter Artis Lane was born on May 14, 1927 in North Buxton in southern Ontario, Canada. When she was two years old, Lane's family moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan where Lane attended school and began to distinguish herself as an artist. After graduating from the Ontario College of Art, she attended Cranbrook Art Academy in Detroit. After a short time in New York City painting portraits, Lane moved to Los Angeles where she met actor Cary Grant who supported her work. After that, she was commissioned to sculpt portraits of some of the most influential people of the last fifty years, including John F. Kennedy and Nelson Mandela. Her work can be seen at the Smithsonian Institute, in the offices of Motown Records and AT&T, and in numerous private collections. In 2009, Lane's bust of Sojourner Truth was unveiled in the Emancipation Hall at the Capitol Visitor Centre.