Summary: | Television news correspondent and radio host Michele Norris was born on September 7, 1961 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Norris received her B.S. degree from the University of Minnesota where she majored in journalism and mass communications. Throughout the 1980s, she served as a reporter for the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and the L.A. Times. In 1993, she was hired as news correspondent for ABC News and was a contributing correspondent for the "Closer Look" segments on World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Then, in 2002, Norris was selected out of 100 candidates to host All Things Considered, the nation's longest-running radio program on NPR. Norris is a four-time entrant for the Pulitzer Prize. In 2006, she received the University of Minnesota's Outstanding Achievement Award and the National Association of Black Journalists' Salute to Excellence Award. In 2007, she received Ebony magazine's eighth annual Outstanding Women in Marketing & Communications Award.