Summary: | Singer Lois Eve Fisher, also known as "Eve Rene," was born Lois Eve Greene on September 5, 1927, in Thibodaux, Louisiana. She graduated from Washington High School in 1944, and then attended Southern University. Later, she started singing with the Paul Barbrien Band. Fisher then auditioned with Duke Ellington and performed with other top acts of the day. In 1956, she recorded "Love is Strange" with Bill Doggett. Fisher married Lessly "Count" Fisher, and the couple established the Carousel Club in Indianapolis, Indiana. From 1963 to 1965, they operated the Chateau de Count et Eve and showcased acts including Roy Hamilton, Rodney Dangerfield, and various Motown performances. In 1966, they moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Fisher earned her B.A. degree in music and art from Grand Valley College in 1985. In 1989, she began working for the clerk of courts in Grand Rapids, and then later retired.