Summary: | Singer and performer Caldin "Carol" Street was born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In 1961, while attending Lincoln Jr. High School, Street was asked by her older sister, Mildred Arbor, to join a singing group called the Velvelettes with Bertha McNeal, Norma Fairhurst and Betty Kelley. The group, with Street as lead singer, auditioned for and signed to Motown Records in late 1962. From 1963 to 1967, the Velvelettes released numerous hits including the charting hits Needle In A Haystack and He Was Really Sayin' Somethin', and These Things Will Keep Me Loving You, which became a hit in the United Kingdom. The Velvelettes disbanded in 1969. In the meantime, Street continued her education graduating from high school and later from the business college of the Detroit Institute of Commerce. The Velvelettes were reunited in 1984 and returning to Motown Records, released three more albums.