Population of towns and boroughs, Mongolia = Population des villes et des colonies municipales, Mongolie = Einwohnerzahl der Städte und Siedlungen mit Stadtrecht, Mongolei = Városok és városi jellegű települések lakossága, Mongólia.
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Corporate author / creator: | Kartográfiai Vállalat. |
Imprint: | [Budapest] : [KV], 1985. |
Description: | 1 map : color ; 16 x 37 cm, on sheet 28 x 40 cm |
Language: | English |
Series: | Cartactual ; no. 111 (1985 : no. 1) Cartactual ; no. 111 (1985 : no. 1). |
Subject: | |
Cartographic data: | Scale approximately 1:8,333,000 (E 87°44ʹ00ʺ--E 119°55ʹ00ʺ/N 52°08ʹ00ʺ--N 41°34ʹ00ʺ). |
Format: | Map Print |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/11342184 |
Notes: | Relief shown by contours. "Census/Recensement/Volkszählung/Népszámlálás: 1979." "CA 111/2-85." Includes ancillary map: "Risca-Rogerstone By-pass. New main road, Great Britain = Nouvelle route principale, Grande-Bretagne = Neue Hauptstrasse, Grossbritannien = Új főút, Nagy-Britannia." |
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