Summary: | This database contains the Corporate Organization materials for NASD and its successor organization the FINRA. These materials include the By-Laws of the Corporation, the By-Laws of FINRA Regulation, Inc, and the By-Laws of NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc. Also contained in this database are the FINRA RULES as adopted by FINRA, the NASD Rules that are still in effect, the Incorporated NYSE Rules, the Incorporated NYSE Rule Interpretations and Rule Conversion Charts. The FINRA Arbitration Rules, Chapters 10000, 12000 and 13000 are not in this database, but are in the separate database - FINRA-ARBRULES. The full text of Notices to Members, as published by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD), and the Notices published by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is in this database.