The wonder of this age: or, God's miraculous revenge against murder. : Being a relation of an undoubted truth out of the west. How the skull of a person (murdered about thirty years agoe, in an inn) was found with a linnen cap thereon, still whole, with the two letters wherewith it was marked, plain to be seen, though it has lain so many years in the earth. How likewise an apparition oblig'd one that was lately come to live in that house, to divulge it ... The truth of this relation will be attested by many whole-sale-men that were at the last fair at Exeter ... And now, upon the licensers enquiry, since the writing of this paper, the particulars have been verifi'd by divers other persons, and by one that affirms he was present at the examination.
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Imprint: | London, : Printed for B.H., 1677. |
Description: | 1 online resource ([2], 5, [1] p.) : ill. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
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Varying Form of Title: | God's miraculous revenge against murder |
Notes: | "Licensed Jan. the 4th. 1677. Roger L'Estrange. And Enter'd according to Order." Imperfect: stained. Reproduction of original in: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles. Wing (2nd ed.) W3358A Print version record. |
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