Anno. XXVI. Henrici VIII : Actes made in the session of this present parliament holden vpon prorogacion at Westm[inster], the. III. daie of Noue[m]ber, in the. XXVI. yere of the reigne of our moste drad soueraine lorde kynge Henry the. VIII. and there continued and kepte till the. XVIII. daie of December nexte ensuynge. To the honor of god, and for the common weale and profite of this realme.

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate author / creator:England.
Uniform title:Laws, etc.
Imprint:[London] : Tho. Berthelet excudebat. Cum priuilegio, [1551?]
Description:1 online resource (XXVI leaves)
Format: E-Resource Book
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Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title:Anno. XXVI. Henrici Octaui
Anno. XXVI. Henrici Octavi
Other authors / contributors:England and Wales. Sovereign (1536-1547 : Henry VIII)
Notes:Publication date conjectured by STC.
Running title reads: Anno. XXVI. Henrici Octaui.
This item appears at reels 57:13 and 499:6 as STC (2nd ed.) 9388, and at 57:3i and 530:2i as part of STC 9302 (number changed in 2nd ed. to 9303.6 and 9303.7).
TItle within border (McK. & Ferg. 26).
Reproductions of the originals in the British Library, Harvard University Library and the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
STC (2nd ed.) 9388

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