Summary: | The monograph covers the history of the establishment and development of American collections Studies at MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS: the collecting and research activities of Russian scientists for three centuries, since the foundation of the Kunstkamera in 1714 up until now. In the 18h - 19th centuries the development of American studies in the museum was associated with collecting activity, when collections to the Kunstkamera / Ethnographic Museum / MAE RAS were coming mainly from the territory of the former Russian possessions in North America - from Alaska and Northern California. The book focuses on history of study and publication of MAE collections on indigenous peoples of Russian America. These collections were assembled over the course of more than two hundred and fifty years, beginning in the middle of the 18th Century. Thanks to the collecting activities of scholars, navigators, and employees of the Russian-American Company the museum currently possesses, in comparison with other ethnographic museums in the world, the most valuable collections in terms of scientific significance, and the oldest collection in terms of time of collection. European and American explorers began to assemble the collection in the territories of Alaska and California primarily at the end of the 19th Century. At that time many elements of traditional aboriginal culture were being discarded or were disappearing under the influence of European culture. Therefore, the MAE RAS collections from the peoples of Russian America are of great scientific significance to contemporary scholars, to the Native peoples of Alaska and California. A new period in the history of MAE began at the end of the 19th century, when VV. Radlov became its director. Since that time, the museum began to conduct research on the study of ethnography and anthropology of various peoples of the world, including the indigenous people of America. The second half of the 20th century is the period of fruitful scientific activity of the museum staf: YV, Knorozoy, R.V. Kinzhaloy, D.A. Sergeev and other researchers who made a significant contribution to the development of national and world American studies. The formation of ethnography in Russia is directly related to the history of the Kunstkamera / Ethnographic Museum / Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. In MAE RAS, ethnography took shape as an independent science. Here its establishment and development took place. The Research Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography was created on the basis of the museum in 1933. In 2014 the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the museum was celebrated. Therefore, the research on its history, the formation of collections and the activities of individual collectors and researchers are especially relevant. Монография посвящена истории становления и развития американистики в Музее антропологии и этнографии (Кунсткамера) РАН -- собирательской и исследовательской деятельности отечественных ученых на протяжении трех веков, с момента основания Кунсткамеры в 1714 г. до начала XXI столетия. В XVIII-XIX вв. развитие американистики в музее было связано с собирательской деятельностью, когда в Кунсткамеру / Этнографический музей / Музей антропологии и этнографии поступали коллекции с территорий бывших российских владений в Северной Америке -- с Аляски и из Калифорнии. Новый период в истории музея начался в 1894 г., когда его директором стал академик В.В. Радлов. С этого времени в МАЭ стали проводиться научные исследования по изучению этнографии и антропологии разных народов мира, в том числе коренного населения Америки. Вторая половина XX в. -- период плодотворной научной деятельности Ю.В. Кнорозова, Р.В. Кинжалова, Д.А. Сергеева и других исследователей, которые внесли существенный вклад в развитие отечественной американистики. В МАЭ этнография оформилась в самостоятельную науку, здесь произошло ее становление и развитие. В 1933 г. на базе музея создали научно-исследовательский Институт антропологии и этнографии, в 1935 г. его переименовали в Институт антропологии, археологии и этнографии, а в 1937 г. -- в Институт этнографии.