Review by Choice Review
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to resource development are threats to biodiversity. This second edition of Corridor Ecology (1st ed., CH, Feb'07, 44-3279) incorporates the latest research findings on habitat connectivity around the globe and advances our understanding of this emerging subfield of ecology, with implications for biodiversity conservation. Perhaps the most noteworthy additions are two new chapters discussing climatewise connectivity and ecological connectivity in the ocean; both are topics of growing concern that require scientific rigor to inform policy and management decisions among rapidly changing environments on land, in the seas, and in the air. Also new and germane are the growth and sophistication of modeling approaches for habitat connectivity, particularly in the context of climate change. Another strength is the breadth of new expertise contributing to this volume, which integrates early career scientists at the leading edge of scholarship in biodiversity, climate science, and land use with senior researchers who can ensure a historical context to advances in theoretical and empirical approaches, and who have a rich experience in community engagement, policy, and conservation practices. This revised edition serves as a necessary resource for conservation practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Advanced undergraduates through faculty and professionals. --Roberto Antonio Delgado, National Science Foundartion
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review