Lamentation over England: from a true sight, and suffering sense, of the lamentable wickedness of such rulers, priests, and people, that are erred, and strayed from the way of God, and follow too much the devices and desires of their own hearts, offending against his holy laws ... : whereby all persecutors may (in pity to their souls) truly consider what way they are in, and whether it leads, and whose work they are doing, and what the Scripture saith will be the reward of oppression and cruelty /
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Author / Creator: | Watkins, Morgan, active 1653-1670 |
Imprint: | [London : s.n.], 1664. |
Description: | [4], 48 p. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1135:16. |
Subject: | |
Format: | Microform Book |
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Regenstein, 3rd Floor Microforms
Call Number: |
microfm PN6010.E34 1975
c.1 | Available Loan period: standard loan Need help? - Ask a Librarian |