Summary: | The exhibition curated by Emanoel Araujo, brings together more than 500 objects between works of art and utensils of the indigenous material culture of Brazilian roots. They are part of the exhibition, in addition to works of contemporary art, objects of featherwork, adornments, masks and utensils of various indigenous peoples, such as: Karajá, Marubo, Kayapó, Mehinako, Yanomami, Rikbaktsa, Tapirapé, Waurá, Tapayuna, Baniwa, Ashaninka, Parakanã, Panará and Juruna. also presents the work of photographers who document Brazilian indigenous populations, such as Claudia Andujar, Rosa Gauditano, Maureen Bisiliat, Nair Benedicto, Manuel Rodrigues Ferreira, Rodrigo Pretella, Jamie Stewart-Granger, among others. The grand exhibition closes the trilogy of exhibitions that the institution has been dedicating itself to in recent years, highlighting the artistic and cultural contributions of the peoples that originated Brazil. The trilogy started with Africa Africans, in 2015, and was followed by Portugal, Portuguese - Contemporary Art, in 2016.