Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title: | Itinerancy
Other authors / contributors: | Zargón, Viviana, 1958- photographer.
Castellanos, Willy, writer of foreword.
Herrera, Adriana, writer of supplementary textual content.
Alonso, Rodrigo, writer of supplementary textual content.
Colectivo Curatorial Aluna, writer of supplementary textual content
ISBN: | 9789878609836 9878609839
Notes: | Dirección colectiva curatorial : Aluna (Adriana Herrera; Willy Castellanos). Includes bibliographical references (pages 309-312). Parallel texts in Spanish and English.
Summary: | Book that collects more than three decades of multidisciplinary artist and photographer Viviana Zargón (Buenos Aires, b.1958) documnetation around the gradual disappearance of the industries that functioned in Buenos Aires and its surrounding area, as paradigmatic architecture of 20th century modernity. "Viviana Zargon's body of photographic work presents us with a cartographic work of sorts that show the factory closings caused by constructive economic crisis, inseparable from the transformation of her city. Abandoned architecture and industrial objects in disuse alike are portrayed in a reiterative, systematic manner and they function as evidence of something that has ceased to be." --Page [11]