Summary: | "Cover and half-title: Three kittens. Frederick Warne was founded July 1, 1865, and was located at 15 Bedford St., London; see Arthur King and A.F. Stuart, The House of Warne (1965), p. 3. Illustration style and clothing of people in the pictures suggests a publication date in the 1880's. Copy in hand has an inscription dated 1888. Half-title and frontispiece, (p. 1-2) misbound after title leaf (p. 3-4); p. 35-36 misbound in between p. 32 and 33. Cover, text and illustrations lithographed. "Emrik & Binger, chromolith, 21a Berners Street, W"--foot of p. 36. Illustration, p. 10, signed: G.L. [i.e., George Lambert]."