Review by Choice Review
Twelve economists, all academic mathematical economists and eight in European universities, have written nine articles applying (or discussing the application of) mathematical techniques to a variety of microeconomic topics: strategic behavior and collusion, entry deterrence, product differentiation, price discrimination, horizontal mergers, patents, entrepreneurship, and oligopoly pricing (there is an introductory essay). Topics are approached theoretically only one article (on pricing) contains any empirical tests, and the level of mathematical sophistication required for full understanding (several semesters of well-understood calculus) would discourage some senior economics majors. For examples, tests of hypotheses, and institutional evidence that any of this is relevant, the reader must consult a textbook treatment of industrial economics. An excellent bibliography and a very good index. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students. R. A. Miller; Wesleyan University
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review