Summary: | Examines the development of Zionist thought, and its inherent link with the growth of antisemitism in the 19th century. Argues that while there were clearly other factors, antisemitism was a major element in the emergence of Zionism. Discusses the Zionist view of antisemitism as the result of the Jews' anomolous social and economic structure in the diaspora. Notes the growth of Zionist youth movements in Germany as a reaction to antisemitic movements. Points out that the lack of help given to Jews during the Holocaust gave Zionism a great impetus at the end of the Second World War. However, it was also felt that the idea of a Jewish state had lost its "raison d'etre" as a haven for persecuted European Jews. Zionist leaders had anticipated persecutions and expulsions, but not mass murder as a solution to the "Jewish problem." Discusses theories on antisemitism of major Zionist thinkers: Moses Hess, Max Lilienblum, Leo Pinsker, Max Nordau, Chaim Weizmann, and Ze'ev Jabotinsky.