Table of Contents:
- Foreword / Sebastian Moore
- Introduction / mary Anne Huddleston
- Part one: Psychological dimensions of celibacy
- Psychology and asceticism of celibacy / Martin W. Pable
- Two ways of loving / Virginia Sullivan Finn
- Difficulties in celibate love / Christopher Kiesling
- Celibate genitality / William F. Kraft
- Priestly celibacy from a psychological perspective / Kenneth R. Mitchell
- Part two: Spiritual dimensions of celibacy
- Becoming a celibate lover / L. Patrick Carroll
- Becoming what all people are / Keith Clark
- A priest's thoughts on his celibacy / Patrick J. Connolly
- A married layman on celibacy / John Garvey
- Sex, God and the church / Sebastian Moore
- Celibacy and the holy / Henri J. M. Nouwen
- Part three: Social dimensions of celibacy
- Christian practice in the personal form / John F. Kavanaugh
- Celibacy and community / Jerome Murphy-O'Connor
- Will the new church need celibates? / David M. Knight
- Notes on the contributors
- Annotated bibliography