Summary: | The disturbing issue of "acquaintance rape" (also known as "date rape") is brought to life in this powerful short film. Two female high school students and the two boys who raped them describe their behavior and feelings before, during and after the attacks. One young woman, Melanie, innocently goes to a fellow student s house to study and when he does not pay attention to their studies, she gets up to leave. To her horror, the young man attacks her, asking her what she expected by coming to his house. She does not hesitate to press charges against him and he is convicted. The young man is sent to prison, full of resentment that his life has been ruined. Another student, Vera, attends a party where she has too much to drink and passes out in the bathroom. Joe, a young man who had been flirting with her earlier, attacks her. She fights back but to no avail. Afterwards, Vera tries to forget the incident but when she hears that he has attacked another student, she presses charges and Joe is sent to prison. This film shows that date rape is not a prank, but a crime with serious consequences. Although dramatized, True Stories has a "real life" feeling. It demonstrates the long term impact of date rape on the perpetrator as well as the victim.