Summary: | Lukas Nino (Lukas the strange) is a story of an awkward teenager coming to grips with his own initiation into manhood just when there is a movie shoot in their neighborhood. The story opens several nights before, when Lukas is told that he has a tikbalang (half-horse, half man) for a father. His father, Mang Basilio disappears in their life the next day. Lukas wonders whether he is a boy or a tikbalang. There is a film shoot in the village. Everyone participates. Soon, they believe the story of the film. That there is a mystical river that lets them forget one memory that they choose. Lukas' father resurfaces, and he is invited to play a role. At this time, very private footage of a woman emerges from the river. The film is told by Lukas' friend, Lorena, who is fascinated by this strange boy who thinks he is a tikbalang.