Summary: | In this video, viewers will enter into maximum security San Quentin State Prison to witness a group of inmates participate in their weekly support and skill building group. Co-facilitated by Adam Zagelbaum, Professor of Counseling at Sonoma State University and volunteer at San Quentin, as well as Charlie - an inmate at San Quentin, the group explores topics of shame, guilt, remorse, and worthiness. Group members are encouraged to openly, honestly, and directly communicate. Watch emotional self-disclosure with these men and the vulnerability they show as they work on healing themselves with the support of others. They learned to give feedback to others, and show an increased self-awareness as well as a better understanding of destructive patterns, habits, and beliefs that led them to prison. Viewers will be moved by the emotional disclosure of many of these inmates, their personal stories, and commitment to improving themselves. This video aims to help students in human service professions better understand effective strategies in working with groups, develop increased empathy for the incarcerated, and recognize potential strengths and limitations of providing such services to incarcerated individuals within the confines of a prison setting.