Summary: | Investigation of the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of human proteins has escalated over the last two decades because of the use of recombinant human proteins as therapeutic agents. In addition, the development and improvement of analytical techniques enabling the detection of minute quantities of proteins in biological matrices have aided this process. In assembling this volume, we sought to provide a state-of-the-art as sessment of the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of protein therapeutics through complete reviews of selected examples. A comprehensive review of all protein therapeutics was not attempted; the majority -of the therapeutic protein classes and crucial scientific issues have been addressed, however. Therefore, we are confident that this volume will provide a useful reference for scientists in this field. The volume has been divided into two general parts. The first part (Chapters 1-3) is composed of general reviews of topics of importance in pharmacokinetic/metabolism studies of proteins: goals and analytical meth odologies, effects of binding proteins, and effects of antibody induction, respectively. The second part (Chapters 4-8) consists of specific, detailed reviews by therapeutic protein class: growth factors and hormones, cyto kines, cardiovascular proteins, hematopoietic proteins, and antibodies, respectively. The editors are grateful to the contributors for the patience, personal sacrifice and perseverance required to complete this volume. BoDDE L. FERRAIOLO MARJORIE A. MOHLER CAROL A. GLOFF ix Contents Chapter 1 Goals and Analytical Methodologies for Protein Disposition Studies Bobbe L. Ferraiolo and Marjorie A. Mohler 1. Introduction ................................................. .