Summary: | This masterful revision of a classic casebook, by experienced author and teacher Eugene Scoles And The Reporter For The Restatement (Second) on Trusts, Edward Halbach, incorporates all of the 1990 Uniform Probate Code changes. it offers a highly teachable mix of practical and theoretical materials, including new coverage of fiduciary duty and problems that explore issues arising from non-tradtional families. The Fifth Edition of this problem-oriented casebook features: changes arising from the 1990 Uniform Probate Code increased coverage of professional responsibility issues presentation of issues arising from non-traditional families, with attention to parent-child relationships; substantive law changes relating to spousal rights; And The evolution of rights of non-marital children new treatment of fiduciary administration's acceptance of the portfolio theory of investment as an element of the prudent trustee investment rule detailed discussion of the consequences of Tulsa Professional Collection Services v. Pope, which revolutioned notice procedures in probate A wealth of realistic problems and well-focused text enrich class discussion, And The manageable format allows you to cover material more efficiently. The Teacher's Manual answers all of the problems in the book.