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|t Early Years of Molecular Beam Resonance /
|r Norman F. Ramsey.
|t Vernon Hughes' Worlds of Atoms /
|r Daniel Kleppner.
|t On Knowing Things Better and Better Some Thoughts about Precise Physical Measurements /
|r Gerald Feinberg.
|t Polarized Electrons /
|r Wilhelm Raith.
|t Fundamental Tests with Polarized Beams at High Energies /
|r Charles Prescott.
|t It Takes One to Know One /
|r Valentine Telegdi.
|t Muon g-2 and Muonium Hyperfine Structure: Theory Update /
|r Toichiro Kinoshita.
|t The CERN Muon (g-2) Experiments: A Brief Survey /
|r Emilio Picasso.
|t Vernon Willard Hughes: Congratulations to the Scientist and Teacher of an International Community /
|r Gisbert zu Putlitz.
|t Vernon Hughes and Japanese Physicists with Spinning Particles /
|r Kunitaka Kondo.
|t Remarks /
|r Vernon W. Hughes --
|t Atomic and Molecular Physics.
|g 1.
|t The Radiofrequency Spectrum of Rb[superscript 85] F and Rb[superscript 87] F by the Electric Resonance Method /
|r V. W. Hughes and L. Grabner.
|g 2.
|t Two-Quantum Transitions in the Microwave Zeeman Spectrum of Atomic Oxygen /
|r V. W. Hughes and J. S. Geiger.
|g 3.
|t Experimental Limit for the Electron-Proton Charge Difference /
|r V. W. Hughes.
|g 4.
|t The Electrical Neutrality of Atoms /
|r V. W. Hughes, L. J. Fraser and E. R. Carlson.
|g 5.
|t Narrow Linewidths for Decaying States by the Method of Separated Oscillating Fields /
|r V. W. Hughes.
|g 6.
|t Upper Limit for the Anisotropy of Inertial Mass from Nuclear Resonance Experiments /
|r V. W. Hughes, H. G. Robinson and V. Beltran-Lopez.
|g 7.
|t Atomic Regime in which the Magnetic Interaction Dominates the Coulomb Interaction for Highly Excited States of Hydrogen /
|r R. O. Mueller and V. W. Hughes.
|g 8.
|t Parity Nonconservation in Hydrogen Involving Magnetic/Electric Resonance /
|r E. A. Hinds and V. W. Hughes.
|g 9.
|t The Fine Structure Constant [alpha] /
|r V. W. Hughes.
|g 10.
|t Polarized Electrons from a Polarized Atomic Beam /
|r R. L. Long, Jr., W. Raith and V. W. Hughes --
|t Nuclear Physics.
|g 11.
|t Magnetic Moment and hfs Anomaly for He[superscript 3] /
|r W. L. Williams and V. W. Hughes.
|g 12.
|t New Experimental Limit on T Invariance in Polarized-Neutron [beta] Decay /
|r R. I. Steinberg, P. Liaud, B. Vignon and V. W. Hughes --
|t Muonium.
|g 13.
|t Formation of Muonium and Observation of Its Larmor Precession /
|r V. W. Hughes, D. W. McColm, K. Ziock and R. Prepost.
|g 14.
|t Hyperfine Structure of Muonium /
|r K. Ziock, V. W. Hughes, R. Prepost, J. Bailey and W. Cleland.
|g 15.
|t Muonium Chemistry /
|r R. M. Mobley, J. M. Bailey, W. E. Cleland, V. W. Hughes and J. E. Rothberg.
|g 16.
|t Muonium Chemistry II /
|r R. M. Mobley, J. J. Amato, V. W. Hughes, J. E. Rothberg and P. A. Thompson.
|g 17.
|t Formation of the Muonic Helium Atom, [actual symbol not reproducible], and Observation of Its Larmor Precession /
|r P. A. Souder, D. E. Casperson, T. W. Crane, V. W. Hughes, D. C. Lu, H. Orth, H. W. Reist, M. H. Yam and G. zu Putlitz.
|g 18.
|t A Very High Intensity Proton Linear Accelerator as a Meson Factory /
|r E. R. Beringer, W. A. Blanpied, R. L. Gluckstern, V. W. Hughes, H. B. Knowles, S. Ohnuma and G. W. Wheeler.
|g 19.
|t Higher Precision Measurement of the hfs Interval of Muonium and of the Muon Magnetic Moment /
|r F. G. Mariam, W. Beer, P. R. Bolton, P. O. Egan, C. J. Gardner, V. W. Hughes, D. C. Lu, P. A. Souder, H. Orth, J. Vetter, U. Moser and G. zu Putlitz.
|g 20.
|t Formation of Muonium in the 2S State and Observation of the Lamb Shift Transition /
|r A. Badertscher, S. Dhawan, P. O. Egan, V. W. Hughes, D. C. Lu, M. W. Ritter, K. A. Woodle, M. Gladisch, H. Orth, G. zu Pulitz, M. Eckhause, J. Kane, F. G. Mariam and J. Reidy.
|g 21.
|t New Search for the Spontaneous Conversion of Muonium to Antimuonium /
|r B. E. Matthias, H. E. Ahn, A. Badertscher, F. Chmely, M. Eckhause, V. W. Hughes, K. P. Jungmann, J. R. Kane, S. H. Kettell, Y. Kuang, H.-J. Mundinger, B. Ni, H. Orth, G. zu Putlitz, H. R. Schaefer, M. T. Witkowski and K. A. Woodle --
|t Particle Physics.
|g 22.
|t Deep Inelastic Scattering of Polarized Electrons by Polarized Protons /
|r M. J. Alguard, W. W. Ash, G. Baum, J. E. Clendenin, P. S. Cooper, D. H. Coward, R. D. Ehrlich, A. Etkin, V. W. Hughes, H. Kobayakawa, K. Kondo, M. S. Lubell, R. H. Miller, D. A. Palmer, W. Raith, N. Sasao, K. P. Schuler, D. J. Sherden, C. K. Sinclair and P. A. Souder.
|g 23.
|t Parity Non-Conservation in Inelastic Electron Scattering /
|r C. Y. Prescott, W. B. Atwood, R. L. A. Cottrell, H. DeStaebler, E. L. Garwin, A. Gonidec, R. H. Miller, L. S. Rochester, T. Sato, D. J. Sherden, C. K. Sinclair, S. Stein, R. E. Taylor, J. E. Clendenin, V. W. Hughes, N. Sasao, K. P. Schuler, M. G. Borghini, K. Lubelsmeyer and W. Jentschke.
|g 24.
|t Experimental Test of Special Relativity from a High-[gamma] Electron g-2 Measurement /
|r P. S. Cooper, M. J. Alguard, R. D. Ehrlich, V. W. Hughes, H. Kobayakawa, J. S. Ladish, M. S. Lubell, N. Sasao, K. P. Schuler, P. A. Souder, D. H. Coward, R. H. Miller, C. Y. Prescott, D. J. Sherden, C. K. Sinclair, G. Baum, W. Raith and K. Kondo.
|g 25.
|t High Energy Physics with Polarized Electrons and Muons /
|r V. W. Hughes.
|g 26.
|t Neutrino Experiment to Test the Nature of Muon-Number Conservation /
|r S. E. Willis, V. W. Hughes, P. Nemethy, R. L. Burman, D. R. F. Cochran, J. S. Frank, R. P. Redwine, J. Duclos, H. Kaspar, C. K. Hargrove and U. Moser.
|g 27.
|t The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment /
|r V. W. Hughes --
|t Publication List of Vernon W. Hughes.