Review by Choice Review
Slay (Middlebury College, formerly at Radio Free Europe) provides a comprehensive review of economic reforms in Poland. First he examines various failed reform attempts in the 1980s. Then he analyzes reform measures from 1990 to 1993, particularly those affecting stabilization and privatization. He evaluates the nature and extent of changes in industry, agriculture, finance, labor markets, and foreign economic relations. Slay concludes with an assessment of the Polish transition's lessons for other reforming economies. Based on an intensive study of numerous Polish and foreign sources, the book has many tables and helpful notes. This volume has broader and deeper coverage of Polish economic reforms than Jeffrey Sachs, Poland's Jump to the Market Economy (CH, Feb'94), three lectures by an American adviser to Poland's first postcommunist government. Recommended for collections covering the Polish economy. Upper-division undergraduate and graduate. M. Bornstein; University of Michigan
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review