Review by Choice Review
Although saddled with an overly earnest sense of political correctness, this is a provocative overview of issues related to women in mass communication, both in the workforce and in the classroom. Because more than two thirds of students currently enrolled in journalism and mass-communication education are women, the field is ripe for ferment in its values and hierarchy of power. Yet gender has wrought little change in the field. This book attempts to address this disparity by offering a "re-visioned" approach to transforming gender values in mass-communication education and practice. The results are occasionally muddled, but overall worthwhile. The book is organized into three sections: theoretical perspectives, women in mass-communication industries, and the mass-communication classroom. Revisions from the first edition are substantial and include the addition of an index and new and updated chapters. Upper-level undergraduates and above; community college students; professionals. P. D. Schultz; Alfred University
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review