Review by Choice Review
These two massive volumes represent a compendium of information on almost 1,500 hazardous chemicals, the results of years of compilation. After brief introductory material, chemicals are listed alphabetically across the two volumes. A uniform format summarizes currently available information under chemical description and synonyms, potential for exposure and permissible exposure limits, toxicity, medical surveillance, first aid, protective methods, spill and fire cleanup, and disposal methods. Other information includes regulatory authorities that have set standards (but standards are not given), and states with relevant regulations. Sections on permissible and recommended exposure levels are good; but "short-term exposure" really refers to acute toxicity. Methods for determination in air and water seem too sketchy to be useful. Entry details vary depending on information available for particular chemicals. Information appears to be accurate and comprehensive, although the extreme toxicity by dermal absorption of dimethylmercury (this reviewer's interest area) is not mentioned. Eight appendixes discuss oxidizers, carcinogens, and various cross-indexing information. These volumes are a valuable resource, although much of the material is similar to that in the third edition (1991). This material might be more appropriate if packaged as a computerized database. Graduate students through professionals; two-year technical program students. M. Gochfeld Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review