Astronomy from wide-field imaging: proceedings of the 161st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Potsdam, Germany, August 23-27, 1993 /
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Corporate author / creator: | International Astronomical Union. Symposium (161st : 1993 : Potsdam, Germany) |
Imprint: | Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic, 1994. |
Description: | xxxii, 760 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- Welcoming Address / R. West
- The Importance of Wide-Field Imaging / V. A. Lipovetsky
- Infrared Wide-Field Surveys / N. Epchtein
- Wide-Field Imaging and Photometry with 2k x 2k CCD / J.-S. Chen
- Beijing - Arizona Color (BAC) Sky Survey / J.-S. Chen
- Very Wide-Field Monitoring of the Sky / R. Hudec and J. Soldan
- The Second Palomar Sky Survey / I. N. Reid
- The Palomar Observatory-European Observatory Photographic Atlas of the Northern Sky / S. Class, J. Quebatte and G. Strigl
- First Steps Toward a CCD-Based Sky Patrol / P. Kroll and T. Lehmann
- SNe From Surveys and Patrols / C. Pollas
- Sonneberg Observatory: Sky Patrol, Field Patrol, the World's Largest Living WFPA / H.-J. Brauer and G. A. Richter
- The Schmidt Telescope at Calar Alto Observatory / K. Birkle, H. Belleman and H. Elsasser
- German Astrophysical Space Projects / W. Klinkmann
- Mouse: A Mini Observatory for UV Space Exploration of the Galactic Poles and Equator / R. Ragazzoni, L. Buson, M. Turatto, A. Bianchini, E. Cappellaro, M. Cecconi, F. La Franca, U. Munari, S. Ortolani, I. Porro, P. Rafanelli, R. Stagni, F. Bertola and P. L. Bernacca
- Glazar-2: A Wide-Field Camera Aboard the MIR Space Station / H. M. Tovmassian, Y. M. Khodjayants, M. N. Krmoyan, R. V. Isadjanian, O. N. Gasparian, A. Z. Zakharian and D. Huguenin
- Simultaneous Optical/Gamma-Ray Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts / J. Greiner
- Wide-Field Photographic Versus Wide-Field CCD Techniques in the Activity Analysis of dM Stars / G. Szecsenyi-Nagy
- The CCD Array Camera for the Macho Project / S. Marshall
- Lite: The Large Imaging Telescope / L. Vigroux
- The Hitchhiker Parallel Camera and Studies of Faint Galaxies / J. B. Jones, S. P. Driver, J. I. Davies, S. Phillipps, I. Morgan and M. J. Disney
- CCD Imaging with a [actual symbol not reproducible] Field / R.-J. Dettmar, B. A. Skiff and K. M. Xilouris
- Digital Image Processing and CCD Imaging at Gothard Astrophysical Observatory / I. Jankovics, J. Kovacs and I. J. Vincze
- A Flair for Multi-Object Spectroscopy / Q. A. Parker and F. G. Watson
- Near-Infrared Imaging with a Schmidt Telescope / K. Yanagisawa, N. Itoh, T. Ichikawa, K. Tarusawa and M. Ueno
- The ESO Measuring Machines / P. Grosbol
- Optical Systems for the 'Large Imaging Telescope' (Lite) / Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
- Wide-Field-Imaging 3-Mirror-Systems with High Light Gathering Power and a Wide-Field Optical System for the 'Large Imaging Telescope' (Lite) / U. Laux
- Newly Developed Diffraction Limited Optics Up to 180 Degrees Object Field / F. Gallert
- Photography in Wide-Field Astronomy / M. Hartley
- Kodak and the Future of Astronomical Photography / D. Malin
- Use of Kodak Tech-Pan Film at the Ukstu / Q. A. Parker, S. Phillipps, D. H. Morgan, D. F. Malin, K. S. Russell, M. Hartley and A. Savage
- Photographic Wide-Field Imaging from Schmidt Plates - I / H.-H. Heyer, J. Quebatte and H. Zodet
- Photographic Wide-Field Imaging from Schmidt Plates - II / H. Zodet, J. Quebatte and H.-H. Heyer
- Microspots on IIIa-Emulsions: New Results / S. B. Tritton, D. H. Morgan and M. R. Cranston
- Hydrogen-Sensitized Fine-Grain Quasi-T Astronomical Plates / D. K. Mikhailov and P. V. Sheglov
- Digitization in Astronomy / D. G. Monet
- Digitization Programs at STScI / B. M. Lasker
- Astrometric Programs with the New Hamburg Plate Measuring Machine / Chr. De Vegt, L. Winter and N. Zacharias
- A Deep Wide-Field Survey from Digitally Stacked Schmidt Plates / M. R. S. Hawkins
- Scanning the Sonneberg Plate Archive with DIA / P. Kroll and P. Neugebauer
- A Universal Microphotometer with a Rotating Slit: Brief Description and Use in Astronomical Tasks / P. Kotrc and J. Zicha
- A Universal Microphotometer and Solar Corona Polarimetry / P. Kotrc, M. Knizek and J. Sykora
- Image Detection, Characterization and Classification, and the Future Role of CCDs in Wide-Field Astrometry / W. F. van Altena
- Cataloging the Northern Sky Using a New Generation of Software Technology / N. Weir, S. Djorgovski, U. Fayyad, J. D. Smith and J. Roden
- Image Inventory Using the Wavelet Transform / A. Bijaoui
- Data Compression and Wavelet Transforms / G. M. Richter, M. Capaccioli, G. Longo and H. Lorenz
- Star Image Identification and Characterization on Astrographic Plates / A. Lopez Garcia, A. Ortiz Gil, J. M. Martinez Gonzalez and V. Yershov
- Classification: Astronomical and Mathematical Overview / F. Murtagh
- The Performance of Neural Networks in Astronomical Image Classification / S. C. Odewahn
- Automatic Morphological Classification of Galaxies / S. Okamura, M. Doi, M. Fukugita, N. Kashikawa, M. Sekiguchi, K. Shimasaku and N. Yasuda
- Faint Object Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks / M. Serra-Ricart
- Recent Developments in the Work on Automated Spectral Classification by Means of Objective Prism Spectra / V. Malyuto and T. Shvelidze
- An Extended Scheme of Spectral Classification for Objective Prism Spectra / P. A. Hantzios, E. Kontizas, F. Pasian, A. Dapergolas, M. Kontizas and R. Smareglia
- Reference Catalogues - Present Status and Future Prospects / S. Roeser
- The System and Quality of the AGK3U / L. G. Taff
- GSC 1.2 - A Subplate Reduction of the GSC / B. Bucciarelli, J. B. Doggett, C. R. Sturch, B. M. Lasker, B. J. McLean, M. G. Lattanzi and L. G. Taff
- Simulation of Stellar Images for Schmidt Plate Astrometry / L. Lanteri, L. Pividori, M. G. Lattanzi and B. M. Lasker
- Astrometry with Wide-Field Telescopes in the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory / R. I. Kiladze and S. M. Chanturiya
- Some Results of CCD-Camera Based Astrometric Plate Measurements / N. Zacharias, C. de Vegt, L. Winter and W. Weneit
- Optimized Model-Functions for CCD-Camera Based Astrometric Plate Measurements / L. Winter
- Astrometric Standard Fields for CCD Observations of Double Stars / D. Sinachopoulos, E. Oblak, M. Geffert, J. Colin, J.-F. LeCampion and U. Hopp
- Photometric Calibration and Large-Scale Clustering in the Universe / R. Fong, N. Metcalfe and T. Shanks
- Photometric Calibrators for All-Sky Surveys: The GSPC-II Program / A. Ferrari, E. D. Siciliano, A. Pizzuti, B. Bucciarelli, G. Massone, M. Postman, D. M. Rehner, C. R. Sturch, M. G. Lattanzi and B. M. Lasker
- Stellar Photometry with Wide-Field CCDs: NGC 6822 / A. Aparicio, C. Gallart and J. M. Vilchez
- Peculiarities of the Internal Photometrical Calibration Method Using Density Stellar Profiles / H. Markov
- Multi-Parametric Iris-Photometry / T. B. Georgiev
- A Photometrical Investigation on the RC System of the 2m Ritchey-Chretien Coude Telescope of the Rozhen Observatory / R. G. Getov
- Intensity Calibration in the Presence of a Disturbing Effect Dependent on Wavelength / P. Kotrc
- Brightness Calibration of Digitized Objective-Prism Plates / D. Engels, L. Cordis and T. Kohler
- Digital Processing on Comets / D. Kubacek, E. M. Pittich and J. Zvolankova
- The Future of Memory: Archiving Astronomical Information / M. J. Kurtz
- Data Storage Technology: Coping with the Evolution / B. Pirenne
- Aladin: An Interactive Deep Sky Mapping Facility / Ph. Paillou, F. Bonnarel, F. Ochsenbein and M. Creze
- Client/Server Access to the SIMBAD Database within the Aladin Project / F. Bonnarel, E. Divetain, F. Ochsenbein, Ph. Paillou and M. Wenger
- Pickles: A Wide-Field Imaging Tool / L. W. Fredrick, G. F. Benedict, R. Duncombe, O. G. Franz, P. D. Hemenway, W. H. Jeffreys, B. McArthur, J. McCartney, E. Nelan, P. J. Shelus, D. Story, A. L. Whipple and W. van Altena
- The WG WFI Plate Database (WFPDB): Present Status / M. K. Tsvetkov, K. Y. Stavrev, K. P. Tsvetkova, P. V. Ivanov and M. S. Iliev
- The Harvard College Observatory Plate Collection / M. L. Hazen
- The Plate Archive of the Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope / R. Ziener
- The Sonneberg Plate Collection: Handling the Archive / B. Fuhrmann, P. Kroll and H.-J. Brauer
- Direct-Photography Observations with the 2 M RCC Telescope at Nao-Rozhen: Catalogue of Plates and Archive-Data Analysis / K. Y. Stavrev and I. S. Barzova
- Catalogue of the Rozhen Observatory Schmidt Telescope / A. Mutafov, P. Ilcheva, M. Kusheva, M. Michailov, Z. Borisov and N. Lazarov
- Flare Stars Database / M. Tsvetkov, M. Chukova and K. Tsvetkova
- Asteroid and Comet Surveys / B. G. Marsden
- Star Counts and the Milky Way Structure / A. C. Robin
- The Luminosity and Mass Functions at the Bottom of the Main Sequence / C. Tinney
- The Galactic Disc Evolution from (V, B - V) Counts at the Galactic Pole / M. Haywood, A. C. Robin and O. Bienayme
- Vertical Metallicity Gradient of the Galaxy Based on UBV Starcount Data / T. Yamagata and Y. Yoshii
- Deep Multi-Colour Starcounts / I. N. Reid and S. R. Majewski
- Astrometry and Galactic Structure / S. R. Majewski
- The Vertical Structure and Kinematics of the Galaxy / C. Soubiran
- Wide-Field Stellar Statistics from Tautenburg Schmidt Plates / E. Schilbach, R.-D. Scholz and S. Hirte
- Stellar Kinematics in the Galactic North Pole Region on the Basis of Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope Plates / N. V. Kharchenko, E. Schilbach and R.-D. Scholz
- A Complete, Multicolour Survey of Absolute Proper Motions in the Anticentre Direction at Intermediate Latitude: Kinematics of the Galaxy's Stellar Populations / D. K. Ojha, O. Bienayme and A. C. Robin
- Milli-Arcsecond Proper Motions in the Pleiades / E. Schilbach, J. Guibert and J. Souchay
- Orbits of Galactic Globular Clusters from Schmidt Plate Astrometry / M. Odenkirchen, R.-D. Scholz and M. J. Irwin
- Membership and Internal Motions of Faint Stars in the Globular Cluster M 3 / R.-D. Scholz and N. V. Kharchenko
- Absolute Proper and Space Motion of the Globular Cluster M 2 / M. Geffert, C. Forner, M. Hiesgen and A. R. Klemola
- Objective-Prism Surveys of the Galaxy / O. Kurtanidze and M. Nikolashvili
- Objective Prism Study of Star Forming Regions / M. Kun
- Observations of OB Stellar Associations with the Space Telescope Glazar / H. M. Tovmassian, R. Kh. Hovhannessian, R. A. Epremian and D. Huguenin
- Wide-Field Observations of Variable Stars in the Region of NGC 7129 / E. H. Semkov
- The Binaries-in-Clusters Program in the Age of Imaging / E. F. Milone, J. R. McVean, W. Lu, S. J. Schiller and G. Miller
- First Observations with the Bonn Wide-Field Photometer and Polarimeter (WWFPP): Surface Polarimetry of the Crab Nebula / Th. Leiber and K. Reif
- CCD Imaging of Nearby Aged Planetary Nebulae / J. Papamastorakis, K. M. Xilouris and E. V. Paleologou
- New Results on the Magellanic Clouds / D. Hatzidimitriou
- Extended Surveys of MC Star Clusters / M. Kontizas and E. Kontizas
- H[alpha] Survey of the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds / M. Marcelin, P. Amram, J. Boulesteix, Y. M. Georgelin, Y. P. Georgelin, A. Laval, E. Le Coarer, M. Rosado and G. Goldes
- Surveys for Field Carbon Stars in the Magellanic Clouds / M. Azzopardi, E. Rebeirot and B. E. Westerlund
- Carbon Stars in the SMC / D. H. Morgan and D. Hatzidimitriou
- Wide-Field Star Count Mapping of Large Scale Areas of Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud / E. Kontizas, S. E. Maravelias, A. Dapergolas, Y. Bellas-Velidis and M. Kontizas
- Qualitative Analysis of the Stellar Content in LMC Clusters and Fields Using Objective Prism Schmidt Plates / E. Kontizas, A. Dapergolas, E. Xiradaki and M. Kontizas
- CCD and Schmidt-Plate Photometry and Astrometry in Region E of the LMC / D. J. Bomans, H.-J. Tucholke, J.-M. Will and K. S. de Boer
- Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies / P. E. Eskridge
- Absolute Proper Motions of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies in Draco and Ursa Minor / R.-D. Scholz and M. J. Irwin
- Surveys of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with 4415 Films / S. Phillipps and Q. A. Parker
- Recent Results from Low Surface Brightness Galaxy Surveys / S. Phillipps, J. I. Davies and J. A. Turner
- Automatic Detection of Low-Surface Brightness Galaxies on Digital Images / R. M. Smith, G. J. Privett, S. Phillipps and J. I. Davies
- Surface Photometry of Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies in the Area of the NGC 972 Group of Galaxies / J. Vennik and G. M. Richter
- Global Properties of Nearby Galaxies / M. Capaccioli, N. Caon and M. D'Onofrio
- Interacting Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster / D. Malin
- Luminosity Function and Spatial Distribution of Nearby Galaxies / K.-H. Schmidt and T. Boller
- Hunting for Globular Cluster Candidates in the Far Halo (d > 20 kpc) of M 31 with the Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope / L. Federici, F. Bonoli, F. Fusi Pecci, B. Marano, F. Borngen and H. Meusinger
- An Efficient Method to Survey Typical Objects in Nearby Galaxies / G. Muratorio and M. Azzopardi
- Dust in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies / K.-H. Schmidt and T. Boller
- UBV Photometry in the Group of Galaxies NGC 2805, NGC 2814, NGC 2820 and MKN 108 / B. P. Artamonov
- Photographic Surface Photometry of Bright Galaxies in the M 81 Group / R. G. Getov
- A Burst of Star Formation in Galaxies of the M 81 Group / B. P. Artamonov
- Wide-Field Imaging of Nearby Galaxies in Near-Infrared Bands / T. Ichikawa, K. Tarusawa, K. Yanagisawa, N. Itoh and M. Ueno
- Surface Photometry of Galaxies in the Pisces-Perseus Region / M. Watanabe, T. Ichikawa, M. Fukugita, K. Tarusawa and S. Okamura
- An Automatic Approach for Selecting New H[alpha] Emission-Line Galaxies / O. Alonso, J. Zamorano, M. Rego, J. Gallego and A. G. Vitores
- A Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies with the Kiso Schmidt Telescope / B. Takase and N. Miyauchi-Isobe
- Photometry of Hickson Compact Group N.90 / G. Longo, H. Lorenz, G. Richter and G. Busarello
- Observational Properties of the Shakhbazian Groups SHKH 30 and SHKH 360 / H. Tierseh, H. Oleak, D. Stoll and H. Bohringer
- The Photometric and Geometric Parameters of Galaxies in Clusters A 1983, 2065 / O. Kurtanidze
- Luminosity Distribution in cD Clusters / F. W. Baier
- Wide-Field Galaxy and Cluster Surveys Using Cosmos / H. T. MacGillivray and D. J. Yentis
- Galaxy Clustering to B = 27[superscript m] / N. Roche, T. Shanks, N. Metcalfe and R. Fong
- Galaxy Number-Counts to B = 28[superscript m] / N. Metcalfe, T. Shanks, N. Roche and R. Fong
- The Evolution of Galaxies in the Last 10 GYR / K. Rakos, J. Schombert, T. Maindl, N. Unger and P. Obitsch
- Optical Identification of Rosat All-Sky Survey Galaxy Cluster Candidates / B. J. McLean, H. Bohringer, R. Burg, R. Giacconi, J. P. Huchra and W. Voges
- Rosat-Detected Galaxies in the Iras Faint Source Database (FSDB) / W. Voges, Th. Boller, C. Lonsdale and R. Wolstencroft
- Rapid X-Ray Variability and the Fe II Problem in I Zw 1 Objects / Th. Boller, J. Trumper, S. Molendi, S. Schaeidt and H. Fink
- Extreme Starburst or Central Activity in X-Ray Luminous Iras Galaxies / Th. Boller and M. Dennefeld
- Cluster Abundance as Test of the Primordial Perturbation Spectrum / V. Muller
- Mapping the Large-Scale Structure / V. de Lapparent
- A Redshift Survey in the South Galactic Pole Region / G. Vettolani, E. Zucca, A. Cappi, R. Merighi, M. Mignoli, G. Stirpe, G. Zamorani, C. Collins, H. MacGillivray, C. Balkowski, J. M. Alimi, A. Blanchard, V. Cayatte, P. Felenbok, S. Maurogordato, D. Proust, G. Chincarini, L. Guzzo, D. Maccagni, R. Scaramella and M. Ramella
- Large-Scale Structure in the Durham/UKST Galaxy Redshift Survey / A. Broadbent, T. Shanks, F. G. Watson, Q. A. Parker, R. Fong, A. P. Oates and C. A. Collins
- The Muenster Redshift Project (MRSP) / P. Schuecker, W. C. Seitter, P. Boschan, R. Budell, B. Cunow, R. Duemmler, M. Naumann, H.-A. Ott, G. Spiekermann, D. Teuber and R. Ungruhe
- Search for Faint Galaxies Towards Nearby Voids / U. Hopp, B. Kuhn, H. Elsasser, K. Birkle and U. Thiele
- Slitless Spectroscopy with Photographic and CCD Detectors Across Large Fields / G. Comte and C. Surace
- Unbiased Multi-Parametric Estimations of Distances and Peculiar Velocities of the Galaxies / T. B. Georgiev
- Quasar Variability from Microlensing / M. R. S. Hawkins
- The Hamburg/ESO Survey for Bright QSOs - Slitless Spectroscopy at High Resolution / L. Wisotzki
- The Hamburg Quasar Survey / H.-J. Hagen, D. Engels, D. Groote and D. Reimers
- The Second Byurakan Survey / J. Stepanian
- A Study of the Optical Long-Term Behaviour of Quasars / H. Meusinger, S. Klose and R. Ziener
- Systematic Search for Quasar Candidates Using the Mama Microdensitometer / O. Moreau, E. Gosset, H. Reboul and C. Vanderriest
- An Overview of Wide-Field Imaging / V. Trimble
- IAU Symposium 161 Resolution: Photographic Plate Supply
- IAU Symposium 161 Resolution: The Future of Sonneberg Observatory
- IAU Working Group on Wide-Field Imaging: Statement of Goals.