Review by Choice Review
Infrared spectroscopy, based on vibrational frequencies of major functional groups, is one of the most useful tools of organic chemistry for the elucidation and identification of molecular structures. In this book, Roeges has extended the interpretation of spectra by assigning all normal vibrational frequencies of molecules along with a description of the types of vibrational frequencies. With the given assignment of all vibrational frequencies in the spectra of a molecule, a more complete spectra-structure correlation is obtained. Roeges provides extensive tables of vibrational frequency assignments of molecular fragments and an extensive bibliography of the literature. There is adequate discussion of the tables and types of vibrational frequencies to be considered. A useful supplement to such classic works as L.G. Bellamy, Advances in Infrared Group Frequencies (CH, May'69) and Norman B. Colthup, Lawrence H. Daly, and Stephen S. Wiberley, Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy (1964). Graduate through professional. L. S. Smith; Central State University (OH)
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review