Perspectives of event-related potentials research /
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Imprint: | Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, c1995. |
Description: | xiv, 464 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Supplement. no. 44 |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- EPIC X: past, present, future / R. Galambos
- Sensory memory and its role in information processing / N. Cowan
- Selective listening at fast stimulus rates: so much to hear, so little time / M. G. Woldorff
- Localization of ERP generators and identification of underlying neural processes / C. E. Schroeder, M. Steinschneider, D. C. Javitt, C. E. Tenke, S. J. Givre, A. D. Mehta, J. C. Arezzo and H. G. Vaughan, Jr.
- Integration of electrophysiological source analyses, MRI and animal models in the study of visual processing and attention / G. V. Simpson, J. J. Foxe, H. G. Vaughan, Jr., A. D. Mehta and C. E. Schroeder
- The middle latency response generating system / N. Kraus and T. McGee
- The component structure of the N1 wave of the human auditory evoked potential / D. L. Woods
- On the neural generators of the P300: evidence from temporal lobectomy patients / R. Johnson, Jr.
- Contributions of anterior and posterior association cortex to the human somatosensory P3 / S. Yamaguchi and R. Knight
- Are neurotransmitter systems of subcortical origin relevant to the electrogenesis of cortical ERPs? / J. A. Pineda
- Cholinergic, serotonergic, and GABAergic effects on the ERP / K. J. Meador
- Cholinergic transmission and electrophysiological investigation of the human visual system / W. G. Sannita
- Cognitive event-related potentials in human and non-human primates: implications for the PCP/NMDA model of schizophrenia / D. C. Javitt, C. E. Schroeder, M. Steinschneider, J. C. Arezzo, W. Ritter and H. G. Vaughan, Jr.
- Mismatch negativity to change in complex spectrotemporal sound pattern: a new way to study neural learning in the human brain / R. Naatanen and K. Alho
- The effects of auditory backward masking on event-related brain potentials / I. Winkler and R. Naatanen
- Is the pre-attentive comparison of auditory stimuli effected on the basis of featural or gestalt representations? / D. Deacon, M. Pilotti and C. Tinsley
- Are memory traces for simple and complex sounds located in different regions of auditory cortex? - Recent MEG studies / K. Alho, M. Huotilainen and R. Naatanen
- Mismatch field to minor pitch changes in single and paired tones: neuromagnetic source localization from derived fields / V. Csepe, C. Pantev, S. Hampson, B. Ross and M. Hoke
- Mismatch negativity to speech stimuli in school-age children / N. Kraus, T. McGee, T. Carrell, A. Sharma and T. Nicol
- Reduced mismatch negativity and hyperactivation of N2b in depression / C. Ogura, Y. Nageishi and F. Omura
- Consciousness / J. E. Desmedt and C. Tomberg
- Input modulation in readiness / C. H. M. Brunia and K. B. E. Bocker
- Attentional processes in discriminating visual features and the conjunction of features: ERP results / I. Czigler, G. Csibra and A. Ambro
- Similarities and differences in comprehension processes during reading and listening / P. J. Holcomb and J. E. Anderson
- What makes a category a category? ERP correlates of stimulus-to-category assignments / A. Mecklinger and P. Ullsperger
- A brain potential manifestation of error-related processing / W. J. Gehring, M. G. H. Coles, D. E. Meyer and E. Donchin
- Partially processed stimulus information as a source of covert and overt errors / H. Smid, W. Lamain, G. Mulder, K. Bocker and C. H. M. Brunia
- Analysis of mental workload with ERP indicators of processing stages / M. Falkenstein, J. Hohnsbein and J. Hoormann
- Event-related potential correlates of errors in reaction tasks / M. Falkenstein, J. Hohnsbein and J. Hoormann
- Assessment of mental effort by means of slow brain potentials / G. Freude, P. Ullsperger and M. Molle
- DC shifts and cognitive load / C. W. Pleydel-Pearce, W. C. McCallum and S. H. Curry
- A model system for the study of attention and the cerebellum: infantile autism / E. Courchesne, N. A. Akshoomoff, J. Townsend and O. Saitoh
- ERP signs of distractibility and selectivity in children / S. Berman
- ERP changes with intelligence and development in children / P. Robaey, S. Cansino and B. Renault
- Event related brain potentials and transitions in the level of cognitive development during childhood / J. E. A. Stauder, M. W. van der Molen and P. C. M. Molenaar
- Age-related decline in visual selective attention functioning: evidence derived from ERP paradigms / A. Kok, E. J. Zeef, J. L. Kenemans and C. Sonke
- EEG and ERPs in young and elderly subjects / J. Polich and J. Y. Luckritz
- P300 and neurophysiological function in normal aging and dementia / M. Osawa
- Subjects at risk for psychopathology from the New York High Risk Project: ERPs during adolescence and clinical outcomes in young adulthood / D. Friedman, E. Squires-Wheeler and L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling
- Conjoint left asymmetry of auditory P300 voltage and MRI volume of posterior superior temporal gyrus in schizophrenia: a quantitative evaluation / B. F. O'Donnell, M. E. Shenton, R. W. McCarley, S. F. Faux, R. Kikinis, P. G. Nestor and F. A. Jolesz
- ERPs in adult migraineurs / W.-D. Gerber and P. Kropp
- Event-related potentials in migraine: realizations and prospects / M. Timsit-Berthier and J. Schoenen
- Methodological considerations related to ERPs in migraine, differences in pathophysiology or central processes? / J. C. Woestenburg, C. J. Kramer, J. F. Orlebeke and J. Passchier
- On the relation between exogenous and endogenous ERP component activity: evidence from patients with a subcortical dementia / R. Johnson, Jr.
- Connections between studies of the neurobiology of attention, psychotic processes and event-related potentials / R. D. Oades
- Chaotic brain activity / T. Elbert, B. Rockstroh, Z. J. Kowalik, M. Hoke, M. Molnar, J. E. Skinner and N. Birbaumer
- Chaos and order in the human brain / N. Birbaumer, H. Flor, W. Lutzenberger and T. Elbert.