The inward and spiritual warfare, and the false pretence of it : and a distinction between the true liberty and the false. And, how God hath anointed the minister of Christ and his church ; and they have the anointing in them: and shepherds, husband-men, fisher-men, and trades-men made prophets and apostles, to preach the Word of God, and set forth His glory. Concerning purification, by fire and water, in the Old and New Testament, and the eating of the heavenly bread, that people may grow thereby, and not be dwarfs. And, how the son of perdition betrayed Christ without ; and since His ascension betrays Christ within. And such who ignorantly say Christ reconciles the devil, &c. who destroys him and his works, and slays the enmity. And concerning prayer by the spirit, without the Book. By G.F.
by: Fox, George, 1624-1691
Published: (1690)