Christian renewal in a changing world; a new approach to moral theology
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Author / Creator: | Häring, Bernhard, 1912-1998. |
Uniform title: | Christ in einer neuen Welt. English |
Edition: | Rev. ed.]. |
Imprint: | New York, Desclee Co. [©1964] |
Description: | xxi, 480 pages 22 cm |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- The Law of Christ as tidings of great joy : The Eight Beatitudes as the new law
- The Law of Christ as transfigured by the Paschal mystery
- The New law as the Gift of the Holy Spirit
- The Primacy of charity over law
- The Law written in minds and hearts : Sacramental assimilation and imitation of Christ ; "The Spiritual law of the life in Christ Jesus"
- The Law of Christ and the many laws : The Natural moral law and the law of grace ; Immutable natural laws and positive precepts
- Universal laws and the call of the moment ; The Unity of laws in Christian life : The Law of the Sunday Mass ; The Law of Friday abstinence
- A Situation : hour of grace or danger to Salvation.
- The Freedom of the Children of God : "The Freedom wherewith Christ has made us free" : Freedom through the new law : Deadly "freedom" and liberating "dying" ; "Free of the accusing law and yet not lawless" ; Purification : the way to new freedom
- The Renunciation of liberties and privileges in the service of our neighbor
- Creation's participation in the freedom of the Children of God : Man's solidarity with creation ; Man's solidarity with his environment ; The Freedom of the Children of God and the technological environment
- "Blessed are the meek for they shall possess the land"
- Obedience to human authority
- The Development of moral freedom : Mental health and holiness ; Freedom and heredity ; Freedom and environment ; Our passions in the service of freedom
- Freedom : Its obstacles and dangers : Negligence and ignorance ; the Force of habit ; Freedom and addiction ; Mental illness and sociopathic disorders ; "For those who love God, all things turn into blessings."
- God and the Heart of Man : Conscience : The Interior man is the whole man : Common core and dynamics of conscience ; The Differential elements in expressions of conscience
- A Parallel between the conscience of the believer and the non-believer : The Conscience of the believer ; the Conscience of the unbeliever ; The Conscience wavering between faith and unbelief
- Called by our personal name
- Blessed are the pure of heart : The Defiled heart of man ; "The Pure heart"
- Conscience and authority
- Conscience and prudence : the Relationship between prudence and conscience ; The Chief objectives of the virture of prudence ; The Nurture of the virtue of prudence
- The Prudent risk in conscience decisions : The perplexed conscience ; Rules of prudence ; Conflicting duties
- The Scrupulous conscience : The Momentary anxiety of conscience : the Neurotically fixed scrupulosity.
- The Christian virtues in relation to charity : Truth illuminated by charity : Christ's sublime truth
- Prerequisites for truthfulness : Sincerity in disposition ; Truthfulness in thought ; Truthfulness in action ; Truthfulness in word
- Truthfulness and professional secrecy
- Fidelity.
- The Virtue of justice : The Justice of God and of men
- The Virtue of justice and juridical regulation ; Justice in a world full of iniquity : Peaceful opposition against injustice ; Legal defense against injustice ; Justice in the rectifying of injustice ; The Love of enemies in an unjust world
- The Necessity of laws govening private property : Capitalistic liberalism ; Communism ; Christian principles in the socio- economic order ; The Social issue in the wage system : Justice in wages : Partnership in management : Share in ownership and profit : Strikes
- Forms of injustice and restitution : Sins against the bodily life ; The Social virtues.
- Temperance : Discipline and moderation in the service of charity
- Difficulties in achieving moderation and discipline
- Lack of self- control and licentiousness
- The Virtue of fortitude : "Love is strong as death"
- "Love is patient"
- The Gift of Fortitude.
- Conversion : The Essence of conversion : The Glad tidings of conversion
- Conversion and God's kingdom : "The Kingdom of grace and holiness"
- The Kingdom of truth and life
- The Kingdom of justice, charity, and peace
- The Kingdom of God in this world
- Progress in God's kingdom and conversion
- The Eschatolgical separation and decision.
- The Road to conversion : Contrition : The Pernicious power of sin ; The Object of contrition ; Sorrow for sin as event of salvation ; Contrition as a road to freedom ; Contrition and the examination of conscience ; Contrition and the resulution of amendment ; Contrition as a road to charity
- The Confession of sins : The Darkness of sin ; The Admission of guilt dispels the darkness of sin ; Sacramental confession and the profession of faith ; Sacramental confession as an act of divine worship ; The Strict obligation of sacramental confession : the Minimum requirement of the universal law : Certainity of obligation to uncertainty of moral sin : The Integrity of sacramental confession
- Restitution and atonement : A Transition from injustice to the new justice ; the Salutary effects of penance : The Fruits of conversion
- Conversion to the new law : Sin as contradiction against the law : Progress in accepting the law of charity.
- Interior dispositions and motives : Nature and signifiance of sentiments and dispositions ; Basic orientaton and attitudes ; The Good and evil in the treasury of the heart ; Sentiments and dispositions of the heart ; "Thoughts of the heart" ; Sentiments and dispositions as responses to value ; Sentiments, dispositions, and motives
- God searches the depth of our heart ; Christ reveals the innermost thoughts of the heart ; The conversion of the heart ; Dispositions, responsibility, success
- The Dominant motives for moral actions : Love of God ; The Motives of reward and punishment ; Social considerations
- The Leitmotif or ideal of life
- The Renewal of the good intention
- Education versus training.
- The Soul's intimate encounter with God : Faith : The Word of God : The Word of God is a gratuitous gift ; The Word of God is a matter of life and death ; The Word of God is one with His salvific acts ; the response of man's heart, intellect, and will
- Response to disposition and word
- The Response of faith in the community of the faithful
- The Response of faith in our external conduct
- The Answer of faith in our daily life
- Growth in faith
- Hope : Charity : the motivation and perfection of hope
- Hope, fear, and charity
- The Hope producing signs of God's mercy
- The Expectation of the fulness of salvation.
- Charity : With all your heart
- With all your soul
- Perfect as the Heavenly Father
- Charity as a commandment
- In the community of charity : In the community of the Church ; Love of God in love of neighbor ; God's charity, the measure of our love of neighbor ; Christian self-love
- Our neighbor : Who is our neighbor? ; Unequal claims on our charity ; Even our enemy is our neighbor
- Zeal for our neighbor's salvaton : Zeal for souls : a manifestation of solidarity with Christ ; Chief implementations of zeal for souls ; Fraternal correction in the spirit of charity ; The Special apostolate of the laity : the family as a pastoral unit
- The realms of worldly activities : The Layman and his apostolic work for the environment : Catholic action
- The Earthly gifts in the service of charity.
- Adoring Charity : Christ our high priest : Christ's revelation of our divine adoption : Christ, the revelation of God's holiness ; Christ, the revelation of the Glory of His Father
- The Sacraments : the fountains of our sanctification and salvation
- Our share in the sacrifice of Christ and the Church
- Humility and adoring Charity : The Humility of Christ ; Humility is rooted in "God's superabundant charity" ; Humility in giving and receiving ; True dignity in serving ; Humility is truthfulness
- Worship of God in active charity
- Forms of worship : Prayer : Communion in word and charity ; Honoring the Name of God ; Prayer in the communion with the Saints ; Prayer in the frailty of the flesh
- Vows
- The Oath
- Sunday observance and sanctification of work.