Cases of divorce for several causes : viz. I. Memoirs of the life of Robert Feilding, Esq ; containing an Account of his Amours ; A Collection of his Love-Letters ; Characters of his Mistresses ; and a True Copy of his Last Will and Testament. II. The case of Barbara, late Dutchess of Cleaveland, with the whole Proceedings between Her Grace, and Major General Feilding, in Doctors-Commons ; and Sir John Cooke's Definitive Sentence at Large in this Remarkable Tryal. III. The Case of John Dormer, Esq ; IV. The Case of Sir George Downing, Bart. and Mrs. Mary Forester. V. Depositions taken in the Lady Howard's case: Also the Judgment of the most Eminent Divines, &c. Concerning The Dissolution of Marriage. Publish'd from original manuscripts.
Published: (1715)