A true catalogue, or, An account of the several places and most eminent persons in the three nations, and elsewhere, : where, and by whom Richard Cromwell was proclaimed Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. As also a collection of the most material passages in the several blasphemous, lying, flattering addresses, ... which were sent to the aforesaid person ... With some other remarkable passages relating to the late apostacy ... Together with something spoken to each company of the adressers severally in their turn, who have ... so largely promised to stand by his person and government with their lives, estates, and all that is dear unto them, against all opposers; and yet in the day of his just abasement from the Lord, have left him to shift for himself: viz. 1. To the late Councel. ... 7. The sheriffs, knights, justices, majors, aldermen, common councel, ministers, &c. ... All which is chiefly presented to the view of the true friends to the cause ... but more especially to those very, very, hardly a few, among them now sitting in Parliament.
Published: (1659)