The artificial clock-maker. A treatise of watch & clock-work, wherein the art of calculating numbers for most sorts of movements is explained, to the capacity of the unlearned. Also, the history of watch and clock-work, both antient and modern. To which is added a supplement, containing, 1. The anatomy of a watch and clock, etc. 2. Monsieur Romer's satellite-instrument, with observations concerning the calculation of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, and to find the longitude by them. 3. A nice way to correct pendulum watches. 4. Mr. Flamsteed's equation tables. 5. To find a meridian-line, for the governing of watches, and other uses. 6. To make a telescope to keep a watch by the fixed stars.
by: Derham, W. (William), 1657-1735
Published: (1700)