The new sprees of London, or, A guide to all the flash cribs of the metropolis : detailed in a night's spree of Harry Flashton, and his cousin Giles : in this valuable work will be found general maxims for a night's spree, how to come safe out, recipe for black eyes, for over-lushing, rules for dress, slang of London life : peep into the night houses! from west to east : view of all the chaunting cribs in this little village : description of the cadger's palace in the rookery! : list of accommodation houses : the Westminster rookeries! : economical calculations of the expense of a night's spree : the whole replete with various anecdotes of well known characters, and a variety of useful and curious information included for the especial use of those who wish to see life! : teaching them how to see the most with the least waste of time, health, and money, during a round of the most noted flash houses, & c., in the metropolis, 1844.
Published: (1844)