The Rhode-Island almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1817: : being the first after bissextile, or leap year, and the forty-first of American independence, which commenced July 4, 1776. From the creation of the world, according to the holy scripture, 5778 years; but according to the best profane history, 5765. Calculated for the meridian of Providence (R.I.) lat. 41 de [sic] 51 m. N. and long. 71 deg. 10 m. W. Containing, the motions of the sun and moon, true places and aspects of the planets, rising and setting of the sun, rising and setting of the moon and seven stars, tides, lunations, conjunctions and eclipses, rising and setting of the planets, judgment of the weather, festivals and other remarkable days, Friends' yearly and quarterly meetings, state and federal courts, &c. Also a variety of matter, in prose and verse, useful and entertaining. /
Published: (1816)