Queer view mirror /
Saved in:
Imprint: | Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 1995. |
Description: | 319 p. ; 23 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/2520727 |
Table of Contents:
- Black Leather Jacket, White T-Shirt / Keith Adamson
- Snatched / Donna Allegra
- In the Chapel of the Sacred Heart / Alan Alvare
- Angie / Tommi Avicolli Mecca
- Births, Deaths & Marriages / Damien Barlow
- Shopping / J. L. Belrose
- Titans / Michael Bendzela
- Fierce / Lucy Jane Bledsoe
- Yente / Allen Borcherding
- Intimacy Inventory / Maureen Brady
- Coyote Learns a New Trick / Beth Brant
- 1995: A Meditation and Litany / Michael Bronski
- Cracking It / David Lyndon Brown
- Helping Hand / Doug Browning
- Don't Disturb This Groove / Tonia Bryan
- Inscriptions / Grant Campbell
- Gasoline, Blood / Julie Varner Catt
- The Prowling Thought / Lawrence W. Cloake
- Asters & Cigarettes / Ailsa Craig
- Chickens / Daniel Curzon
- Never / Tatiana de la Tierra
- Fafa Manifesto / Dennis Denisoff
- Anarchy for the Solitudes / Phillippe H. Doneys
- Epitaph Undone / Nisa Donnelly
- A Queer Night in Tokyo / Marianne Dresser
- Contact / J. B. Droullard
- Michigan / Annette DuBois
- When Willie Mae Goes / Gale "Sky" Edeawo
- So Unexpected / Lois Fine
- Remembrance / Luc Frey
- Withholding / Gabrielle Glancy
- what a drag / Mu Groves
- Trifles / J. A. Hamilton
- Just One of Those Days / Bente Hansen
- Strangers in a Strange Land / Neil Harris
- Anarcho-Queer Guerrilla / Wes Hartley
- Night Soil / Matthew R. K. Haynes
- Sole Brothers / Jackie Haywood
- Keeper of Hearts / Christina L. Hulen
- The Bachelors / Welby Ings
- Tongue in Cheek / Kevin Isom
- True Confessions / Faith Jones
- Paradigms / M. S. Kershaw
- Life Before Lesbianism / Mara Kinder
- Cockaholic / Jeff Kirby
- Chambers / Catherine Lake
- Two Mums / Joe Lavelle
- Macaroni / Denise Nico Leto
- Inner Organs / Shaun Levin
- Heywood Park / Judy Lightwater
- First Love / L. D. Little
- Day of Atonement: Confessional / Michael Lowenthal
- Flesh / Lori Lyons
- Tee Attempts to Break Up / Judy MacLean
- Tricking / William John Mann
- Died of Love (An Excerpt) / David May
- Louis & Willie / Tom McDonald
- To Leave and to Cleave / Susan B. McIver
- Songs and Gardens / Ian-Andrew McKenzie
- Mad About Dietrich / Michael Gregg Michaud
- At Yalla's Place - 1960 / Merril Mushroom
- Neighbourhood Watch / Adrienne Y. Nelson
- The Bear / Leslea Newman
- The Saviour / Leslea Newman
- One Bed, Two Bodies / Laura Panter
- Rediscovered Skylines / Christopher Paw
- Baby Wakes Up Angry / Rebekah Perks
- Matthew's Story - 1974 / Felice Picano
- Sweet Nothings / Victoria Plum
- Chromosomes / Cynthia J. Price
- Split Lip / Jim Provenzano
- Bald / Andy Quan
- In the Market / Shelly Rafferty
- The Truth / Faustina Rey
- Say Uncle / Jeff Richardson
- Princesses / Michael Rowe
- A Walk in the Park / Sandip Roy
- Calvinism / Lawrence Schimel
- Shopping / Craig J. Simmons
- Who Am I Now? / Joe Stamps
- Fine Lines / Wickie Stamps
- Girlfriend to Girlfriend / Christina Starr
- How I Got These Shorts / Matt Bernstein Sycamore
- The Club / Sherece Taffe
- Larceny / Cecilia Tan
- Recipe for a Merry Christmas / Robert Thomson
- Just Best Wishes / Robert Thomson
- A Femme, A Daddy and Their Dyke / Kitty Tsui
- Questions and Answers / David Watmough
- Crossing the Rubicon / Graham Watts
- Short Term Parking / Jess Wells
- The Uninvited Guest / Dianne Whelan
- Millennium / Ben Widdicombe
- Renovations / Duane Williams
- A Bad Day / Jeannie Witkin
- Le Jardin des Merveilles / Raymond John Woolfrey
- Transmittable / Kim Yaged
- Red / Paul Yee
- Pub Angel / Wayne Yung
- The Bath / Sarah V. Zetlein
- Found Out / Aaron Zyskin.