Review by Choice Review
The studies in this volume constitute a fascinating look at an important phenomenon in Latin American political economy, the rise of the technopols. Technopols are key government leaders who combine excellent professional training--usually abroad and usually in economics--with careers as political leaders in their countries. They are distinguished from technocrats, who generally work behind the scenes rather than on the political front lines. The case studies, each by a different author and all well done, are of Domingo Cavallo in Argentina, Pedro Aspe in Mexico, Fernando Henrique Cardoso in Brazil, and both Evelyn Matthei and Alejandro Foxley in Chile. Dominguez's introductory chapter provides an excellent synthesis and summary of these cases. He stresses the positive role played by the protagonists in developing balanced economic reforms that combine markets with essential state functions, and enhance democratic processes. Recommended for Latin American collections serving upper-division undergraduate through professional audiences. M. C. Bird; Colorado College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review