Particle theory and phenomenology : 17th International Kazimierz Meeting on Particle Physics : the Madison Phenomenology Symposium : Iowa State University, May 1995 /
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Meeting name: | International Kazimierz Meeting on Particle Physics (17th : 1995 : Iowa State University) |
Imprint: | Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, c1996. |
Description: | xi, 389 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- CDF Results on Top / A. Beretvas
- Future of Top-Quark Physics at Fermilab / S. Willenbrock
- Highlights of SLD Physics / G. Zapalac
- Fermion Masses and Anomalous Dipole Moments / W. J. Marciano
- Lattice QCD and the Standard Model / A. S. Kronfeld
- Remarks on the Phase Structure of QCD / F. Wilczek
- Gravity and Effective Field Theory: A Talk for Phenomenologists / J. F. Donoghue
- The Particle-Cosmology Connection: Dark Matter and Large-Scale Structure / D. N. Schramm
- The Direct and Indirect Detection of Weakly Interacting Dark Matter Particles / F. Halzen
- Perturbative QCD & Parton Structure of Hadrons / W.-K. Tung
- Spin and Flavor Content of the Proton / L.-F. Li and T. P. Cheng
- Prospects for Spin Physics at RHIC / R. W. Robinett
- New Insights into the Production of Heavy Quarkonium / E. Braaten
- SU(3) Flavor Dependence of the Heavy Quark Symmetry / T. Huang and C.-W. Luo
- Nonfactorizable Corrections to Hadronic Weak Decays of Heavy Mesons / H.-Y. Cheng
- B-Semileptonic Decays from CLEO / M. A. Palmer
- CP Violation in Fermionic Decays of Higgs Bosons / B. Grzadkowski
- Finding the Higgs Boson: A Status Report / S. Dawson
- Tests of the MSSM from Precision Data / P. H. Chankowski and S. Pokorski
- Kinematics of the tt Events in W + Jets at CDF / A. Beretvas
- Results on Top Quark Production from DO / S. J. Wimpenny
- Top Quark Production: Sensitivity to New Physics / S. Parke
- Probing New Physics from the Single-Top Production / D. O. Carlson and C.-P. Yuan
- New Third-Family Flavor Physics and the Top Mass / B. Holdom
- Supersymmetric Quantum Effects on the Top Quark Width in the MSSM / J. Sola
- Top Quark Physics at the NLC / C. R. Schmidt
- Measuring Top Quark Electroweak Dipole Moments / F. Cuypers
- Electroweak Top Quark Production at the Fermilab Tevatron / A. P. Heinson, A. S. Belyaev and E. E. Boos
- Low [actual symbol not reproducible] Intermediate Scale SUSY SO(10) and Predictions for m[subscript t] and m[subscript b] / B. Brahmachari and R. N. Mohapatra
- Isospin Breaking and the Top-Quark Mass in Models of Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking / R. S. Chivukula, B. A. Dobrescu and J. Terning
- Top Quark Landau Pole Effects on Predictions of SUSY Models / R. Arnowitt and P. Nath
- Treating Top Differently from Charm and Up / P. H. Frampton
- Bounds on Scalar Leptoquarks from the LEP Data / O. J. P. Eboli
- Some Signals for a Light Neutralino / R. Adhikari and B. Mukhopadhyaya
- Is a Light Neutral Higgs Particle Excluded? / M. Krawczyk
- Three-Body Decays of the SUSY Higgs Bosons / J. Kalinowski
- Longitudinal Z-Boson Pair Production via Gluon Fusion in Technicolor Models / E. Eichten and T. Lee
- Constraints on Four-Family Supergravity Models / J. F. Gunion, H. Pois and D. W. McKay
- Light U(1) Gauge Boson Coupled to Baryon Number / C. D. Carone and H. Murayama
- Comments on Mass Hierarchy / K. Tanaka
- Cascade Global Symmetry and Quark Mass Hierarchy / D.-D. Wu
- The Light, the Heavy and the Superheavy - A Nonabelian Flavor Symmetry for the Full Hierarchy / O. C. W. Kong
- Light-Cone Quark Model of Mesons / C.-R. Ji, A. Szczepaniak and S. R. Cotanch
- Isgur-Wise Function and V[subscript CB] from Bethe-Salpeter Equations / A. A. El-Hady, K. S. Gupta and A. J. Sommerer [et al.]
- Heavy Quark Effective Theory and Chiral Lagrangian from the Bargmann-Wigner Covariant Superfields / L.-H. Chan
- Remarks on Chiral Symmetry Breaking with Massless Fermions / R. Dick
- Hidden Symmetry in the Quantization of the Chiral Field Solitons / V. A. Nikolaev, O. G. Tkachev and E. Sorace [et al.]
- Effective Chiral Theory of Mesons / B. A. Li
- Semiclassical Description and Hadron Structure / G. Musulmanbekov
- Quark Model Calculations of Symmetry Breaking in Parton Distributions / C. J. Benesh, T. Goldman and G. J. Stephenson, Jr.
- [actual symbol not reproducible] Form Factors in QCD / V. M. Belyaev and A. V. Radyushkin
- BFKL QCD Pomeron in High Energy Hadron Collisions and Inclusive Dijet Production / V. T. Kim and G. B. Pivovarov
- Shadowing/Unitarity Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering on Nuclei and Protons at Small x / B. Kopeliovich and B. Povh
- Interferometry Measurement in Particle Physics / P. Filip
- Some Remarks on [actual symbol not reproducible] Oscillations of Terrestrial Neutrinos and Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations / S. M. Bilenky, A. Bottino and C. Giunti [et al.].