Summary: | A FriAndlier and Less Expensive Divorce<br> <br> Clients arriving in your office are usually confused about whatmediation means, their legal rights, and how it's all going to besorted out. You spAnd a good deal of your time just trying toeducate them enough to proceed.<br> <br> The Divorce Mediation Handbook does much of this work for you. Itexplains the mediation procedure and reassures your clients thatthey can indeed work out their divorce in a reasonable and civilmanner in mediation. It also gives them a great deal of informationabout<br> <br> * how children respond to divorce<br> * how property issues are addressed<br> * how future support may be considered<br> * how to prepare for mediation<br> <br> Paula James, who has mediated over 600 divorces, offers thedivorcing couple an encouraging and highly informative book toprepare them for your first session and the work ahead.